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Welcome to
The Zion Christian Mission Center


An introduction about
The Zion Christian Mission Center

And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. [Rev 22:17]

Unprecedented Light of the World

100,000 Graduation Ceremony Teaser 1 of the 12 Tribes of Shincheonji 2023 | Shincheonji Church
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Discover the Correct Understanding of the Bible

The Necessity of Knowing the Word of the Bible

By not knowing the meaning of the New Covenant prophecy, one can ultimately misunderstand the Bible.

Fulfilling the New Covenant

All believers must come to perfection where the new covenant, Revelation, is fulfilled.

Image by Volodymyr Hryshchenko

The Will of God and the Reason to be Reborn

As Adam and the serpent committed sin, all people of the world have been born of sin.

The Physical Fulfilment of the Prophecies of Revelation

We must hear the gospel of the physical fulfillment of Revelation, verify it and believe it.

Image by sean Kong

The Sound of the Seventh Trumpet

This trumpet sound is the sound made when the seven seals of Revelation are broken.


Spreading the Word to the World


Tribes to be the Light of the World


Members who share the Love of Christ


Countries with members


All Nations

one heart at a time



Image by Muhammad Rizwan


My decision of coming to Zion Mission Center was the best decision of my life!
Here I got the right foundation for my faith which I lacked,
I'm so thankful for all the seniors who guided me from time to time at every step, they cared for me like their own family, I haven't seen this kind of culture anywhere else...!! Watching them I understood how to love like God, I've grown so much mentally and spiritually after coming here. ❤️❤️

Image by Nasik Lababan


Zion Mission Center was truly the turning point of my spiritual life. From being super ignorant towards Bible and wandering in my own thoughts, God has paved a way for me to taste and learn the truth. It was not just a learning process for me to acquire some mere knowledge but it was a room where I experienced the living God through his word.  Today this word became a food for my spirit, and a mirror where I see my spirit's condition and a scale where I could measure my faith.

Selfie Portrait


 Even though I was a Christian, my mind was blurred even about the existence of God until I joined Zion Mission Center. On my first day I was so impressed by their teaching as it was totally new and enlightening from what I had learned before. Today I'm so thankful, through this word of truth, I got to know with conviction about the Creator, who is our true and only God. I got to know the purpose why we are here and the hope of life too. Thank you ZMC and thank you God.

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