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The Correct Understanding of the Bible

The following articles are to offer biblical knowledge to the churches and believers all over the world, and to help believers carry out a proper life of faith.

Image by Kelly Sikkema
Aerial View of Islands

The World Ruled by the One and Only God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth

Main Reference: Gn 1 ~ Rv 21 God left the world due to the betrayal of Adam, the first man who received all things of

Saint Rosalia Sculpture

The Last Work of God, Revelation’s Prophecy and Fulfillment

Main Reference: Rv 22:18-19, Dt 6:5-15 After God made His promise to Abraham, He made a covenant once again through Moses (Ex 19:5-6) and ordered

Holy Bible

The Word of the

It is said that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things were made

Image by Francesco Gallarotti

The Promised Two Seeds and God’s Purpose

What are the two kinds of seeds that were promised? The whole world has been ruled by the devil since the first man, Adam, sinned.

Image by Davide Cantelli

The Will of God and the Reason to be Reborn

God created heaven, earth, and all creation. As Adam and the serpent committed sin, all people of the world have been sinners born of the

Image by Aaron Burden

Physical Fulfillment of the Prophecies of Revelation

Jesus’ disciple, John, was banished from Israel, and while proclaiming the gospel in Istanbul, Turkey, he was exiled to Patmos Island.


Fulfilling the New Covenant

God, Jesus, the angels, and the kingdom of heaven come to be with Shincheonji that have kept the new covenant (as seen in Rev 2-3,

Image by Amy Tran

The Necessity of Knowing the Word of the Bible

Through the prophet Hosea, God said that without knowledge of the word, you and your families will be destroyed (Hos 4:6). Why did God, the


The Sound of the Seventh Trumpet

All the people of the world! See this banner and hear this trumpet sound. This trumpet sound is the sound made when the seven seals

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