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Advanced Level Q&A
English, Q1-80

Examination to Put "The New Covenant We Must Keep" into Action

1. ① Why did Jesus speak in parables? ② Why does one become an outsider and is unable to receive atonement for his sins if he doesn’t understand the parables? ③ What is made known to us plainly instead of figuratively at the appointed time? ④ Write the 4 types of fields. ⑤ Write a relevant chapter from Revelation which explains when the harvest takes place for the seed that was sown.

2. It is said in Mt 24, to watch out that no one deceives you, and that the deceivers are the false prophets in verse 11. ① Who is this referring to? ② When it says nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom, which nations are they referring to? It is written that many will be deceived; they will be handed over to be persecuted and to be put to death. At that time, ③ who are those who are deceived and hand people over?

3. ① What is the new covenant that was established with the blood? ② What is the difference between the one who keeps the covenant and the one who fails to keep it? ③ What kind of person keeps the covenant? ④ When does this take place and who are the ones that keep the new covenant?

4. ① When and ② where was Revelation fulfilled? ③ Write the 2 chapters where we can find the betrayers, the destroyers, and the savior.

5. Write in sequence the brief process of the work of God that is to be fulfilled according to the new covenant from the beginning of the prophecy to the end of the fulfillment.

6. ① Write 2 verses regarding the place where God, the heavens, and Jesus come down upon. ② Who are the people who are at this place? ③ Where is the path to this place? Write two reference chapters. ④ What happens to the people in this place? ⑤ With what have I been re-created according to the promise of the Bible?

7. The lamb of the Passover, Jesus, made the new covenant through his flesh and blood, and promised that they will not be eaten until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God. ① Write 4 verses from Revelation who is able to drink this blood at that time. ② What kind of work does the pastor, who is the messenger of Jesus sent for the churches in Revelation, do? Write 7 applicable chapters and their contents.

8. Write 3 verses from Revelation concerning the Passover Lamb Jesus' blood and flesh that was promised which we eat and Passover with at the fulfillment of God's kingdom.

9. The relationship between Jesus and John, the messenger who speaks on behalf, seen in Rv 1:13~16, and chapters 2~3, is also seen in the previous eras. ① Write the two eras and the two entities who have this kind of relationship. ② What type of commandments were given by God in Exo 22:18~20, Dt 18:10~14, and Rv 22:15?

10. ① What groups appear in Revelation and, ② between whom and whom is the war fought?

11. ① What are the three things that are needed in Revelation, other than betrayal, destruction, salvation? Why is each of these three things necessary? ② What is written in Rv 22:18-19 and Heb 8:10 also appeared at the time of the first covenant. In what verse is this content found?

12. ① What 2 chapters describe how the new heaven and new earth of Rv 21 begin? What 2 chapters describe how the first heaven and first earth pass away? ② Write 3 pairs of contrasting chapters in Revelation.


13. ①Write 2 chapters in Revelation that describe where deception and betrayal take place. ② Write 3 chapters where Jesus and God give judgment. ③ Write 3 chapters where the Gentile beast brings judgment. ④Write 2 chapters where the one who overcomes judges. ⑤Write 1 chapter where they judge one another.

14. ① What is the source of the tree of life? ② Who are those who have the name of God on their foreheads? ③ Who has seen and heard all the events of Revelation, who is the messenger whom Jesus sent for the churches? ④ Write 3 chapters in Revelation and the four gospels that describe after what event salvation comes.

15. ① Whose revelation is the book of Revelation? ② What is it that must “soon take place”? ③ Who are the servants that are shown “what will soon take place”? ④ Whom do they receive it through? ⑤ Who are those that are blessed?

16. ① Write the process in which the word of revelation is delivered. ② Was the revelation John heard, saw, and recorded the fulfilled reality or a prophecy? ③ When Revelation is fulfilled, through whom can it be seen, heard, and believed?

17. ① In order for Revelation to become fulfilled, there is an entity that must appear like another in the past. Write 2 verses that describe this. ② Write the order in which the entities in Revelation 1:9 to chapters 2~3 appear.


18. ①Who in heaven or on earth could open the scroll sealed with seven seals? ② Which chapter does he begin to open the seals? ③ In which chapter is the scroll fully opened? ④Who is the one who reads and proclaims? ⑤ What is the condition to open the seven seals? ⑥ Through whom is the open scroll given? ⑦ To whom is it given to be proclaimed?

19. ① Write three verses showing where the kingdom of heaven will come down to. ②Who is the entity of Balaam in Rv 2?

20. ① Who are those that are freed from sin by Jesus’ blood? When Jesus comes with the clouds, every eye will see him, even those who pierced him. ② In which chapter do those who pierced Jesus appear? ③ Who are those that pierced Jesus?

21. ① How can those born of God’s seed and those born of the devil’s seed be differentiated? ② Why is Jesus’ appearance in the first coming and his appearance in the second coming different?


22. In Rv 2, ① who are the betrayers and the destroyers? ② What are the teachings and the food sacrificed to idols? ③ What does it mean to commit adultery?




23. ① How many kinds of contents and what are the contents of the letters sent in Rv 2~3? ② Write the three entities that appear in order, ③ and write what each did.

24. ① Write the 12 blessings promised to the one who overcomes. ② What are the white stone and the iron scepter?

25. ① Which chapter shows what must be done in order to receive the promises of Rv 2~3? ② With what ③ and how was it achieved? ④ What takes place after this?

26. In Rv 4~5, there is the throne of heaven and a voice that is heard. ①What is the new song that is sung at this time? ② With what are God’s kingdom and priests made?

27. ① To whom and whom, and ② in what events does Jesus’ blood in Revelation apply? ③ Where in the Old Testament is there a passage written similar to the kingdom and priests of Revelation?

28. In Rv 6, ① who ② uses who ③ to give judgment upon whom? ④ In which 2 chapters are those who are thrown out in chapter 6 slain? ⑤ What kind of people escape the judgment in Rv 6 and 18 like in the past and become saved? Describe in 3 ways.

29. In Rv 8~9, ① why are the trumpets blown in Rv 8? ② Who are the ones that are slain in Rv 8~9?

30. Those who received judgment in Rv 6, 8, and 9 did not repent. ① Who gave judgment and, ②who received it? ③ Why did they receive judgment? ④ What did the sounds of the trumpets make known?


31. After the seven seals are opened, the scroll became opened and fulfilled reality appeared. After this, seven trumpets were blown. ① Write 4 reference chapters regarding the difference between the first six trumpets and the seventh trumpet. ② Who are killed and who are those that kill in Rv 8~9?

32. In Rv 9, there are heads on the horses’ tails and its riders. In Rv 19, a horse and its rider appear. ① What kind of entities are these riders and the horses, and to whom do they belong? ② What are the tails and the heads? ③ What are the fire, smoke, and sulfur that come out of the horses’ mouths?

33. In Rv 10, the mighty angel, planting his right foot on the sea and left foot on the land, shouts with the seven thunders. ① What is shown to John? ② To whom does John, who received and ate the open scroll, deliver these words? ③ Where is such content also found in the Old Testament?

34. ① With what do the land and the sea receive their judgment? ② Who shows this judgment? ③ To whom is it shown? ④ Why is it shown?


35. ① Through whom is the sealed scroll in God's hand given? ② In which chapter are those who receive the scroll? ③ Who are they? ④ What is shown?

36. ① Where is the place the two witnesses are killed and receive the breath to live again in Rv 11? ② What is the city that collapsed? ③ What is the difference between the sounds of the first six trumpets and the last (seventh) trumpet? ④ What is the hail inside the temple?

37. ① When do God’s kingdom and salvation come? ② Against whom does the dragon, standing on the shore of the sea, want to make war?

38. Regarding the beast from the sea and the beast “666” in Rv 13, ① how are they different from each other? ② Write two chapters that explain the difference.

39. ① Who is the beast “666”? ② Who figuratively represents this beast? ③ Who is its actual entity? ④ Which kingdom does it come from? ⑤ What does it do?

40. In Rv 14, the 144,000 have the names of Jesus and God written on their foreheads. ① Where (in which chapter) did they receive them? ② Where did the 144,000 come from? ③ From what kingdom did the beast in Rv 13 come?

41. In regards to the harvesters, the time of harvest, and the work of harvest, ① after what events does the harvest take place? ② Write three verses from the four gospels and Revelation that describe the place of harvest.

42. Regarding the 144,000 in Revelation, ① write four chapters that explain who they are. ② When do they appear? ③ Where do they appear? ④ Who are they?

43. ① How are Rv 13 and Rv 14 different from each other? ② In which chapter do the 144,000 become sealed? ③ Who are their actual entities?

44. Based on the order of prophecy to fulfillment, ① write when and how the creation of the promised new kingdom, the 12 tribes in Rv 14, came to be. Include the applicable chapters and their contents.

45. In Rv 15, ① those who were victorious fought against whom and in which chapter? ② Who are the all nations that come and worship? When did they come? ③ To where do they come? ④ After what event does this take place? Write a chapter besides Rv 13.

46. ① In Rv 16, what are the bowls of wrath? ② When and ③ who gathers the dragon’s kings of the whole world?

47. ①Who judges the betrayers, the destroyers, and their kingdom? ②Which chapter did these people come from? ③ With what is the judgment given? ④ Write 2 applicable chapters.

48. ① To where and ② to whom is God’s wrath poured out? ③ What splits into three parts? ④ What is the condition to judge this place?


49. In Rv 17, ① to which kingdom do the beast with seven heads and ten horns and the prostitute belong? ② In what chapter do they destroy ③ whom? ④ Who are the kings of the earth and the inhabitants of the earth? ⑤ How are the seven heads and the eighth beast with ten horns different?

50. ①Who brings judgment on the prostitute and takes her kingdom from her? ② With what? ③ The Lamb brings people out of what kind of kingdom?

51. ① Write 3 chapters that show when, where, and with what one can recognize the actual entities of Babylon, the kingdom of demons the devil in Rv 18. ② Who did the nations that fell marry? ③ Who are the bridegroom and bride of that marriage? ④ What are the sea, ship, sea captain, sailors, and those who travel by ship, respectively?

52. ① How are the marriages in Rv 18 and Rv 19 different? ② How are their foods different? ③ Who are their actual entities? ④ What is the difference between the all nations that fell and the guests invited to the wedding banquet of the Lamb?

53. In Rv 19, ① who and who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb? ② What do they eat at that time? ③ Who is the white horse and its rider? ④ Who are the white horses and their riders?

54. ① What is the robe dipped in blood that is worn by the rider on the white horse? ② In which chapter have the horses and their riders that the birds gorge themselves on been shown? ③ Who in which chapter are the beast and the false prophet, who deluded with miraculous signs and were thrown into the fiery lake of burning sulfur?

55. In Rv 20, ① who are seated on thrones with the authority to judge after the dragon is seized? ② Who partake in the first resurrection and reign with Christ? ③ Who receive judgment after the thousand years?

56. In Rv 18, all nations that fell married the demons. ① After what event does God reign? ② What are the entities that must come to an end? ③ Write at least three answers regarding who receives heaven that comes down.

57. In Rv 21, ① how are the new heaven and new earth and first heaven and first earth different from each other? ② How are the Holy City and the sea different from each other? ③ Why is there no more death or pain when God dwells with His people?

58. ① Write 4 chapters that describe what the sea, first heaven and first earth, and new heaven and new earth are in Revelation 21. ② Who are the actual entities of each?

59. ① When is there no more death or suffering, and everything is made new? ② Who will inherit all this? ③ What is the result of those who do not believe this?

60. ① In which chapter is it written that the New Testament prophecies, pastors, heaven, earth and sea will pass away? ② After this, who is the one that reigns, and what is the kingdom that comes?

61. In Rv 22, ① what is the tree of life that bears twelve crops of fruit in the Holy City, the bride of the Lamb? ② What is the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God? ③ With what water must we wash our robes? ④ Why do we need to wash them?

62. Revelation mentions the “new song” in two places. ① Write the two chapters mentioning the new song in Revelation and ② write what the sound of the new song is.

63. Tails appear in two places in Revelation and performed great actions. ① Write the two chapters mentioning the tails and their work in Revelation and ② write the difference between the tails and ③ write the action of each.

64. Write how ① the book the son of man received in Eze 3 and ② the book new John received in Rv 10 are different.

65. Write ① the three entities, ② the three mysteries, and ③ the three plagues of Revelation.

66. The dragon appears in Rv 12, Rv 13 and Rv 16. ① In which chapter of Revelation is the dragon seized? ② Who are those participating the first resurrection in Rv 20?

67. No one in heaven or on earth or under the earth knows Revelation. However, there are people who know. ① In which chapters of Revelation are they found and what kind of people are they? ② Where are they from and who are they?

68. Write ① two chapters in Revelation describing people who are freed from their sins by Jesus’ blood in Rv 1 and write ② the place where we must go to find the kingdom of heaven where God dwells.

69. What is God’s purpose, God’s will in the New Testament?

70. What is the qualification for the saints of the New Testament to enter the kingdom of heaven?

71. What are the three kinds of people who appear in the New Testament and to whom do they belong?

72. With what does the fulfillment of the New Testament prophecies begin?

73. What are key points of the two things that pass away and two things that appear in the New Testament?

74. What are the reality of the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the New Testament?

75. What are the two main points that are essential in the New Testament?

76. ① By whom was John in Revelation (the new covenant) chosen as the messenger? ②After what event was he chosen and to whom did he send the letters? ③Whose letters did he send?

77. God made known what would soon take place to the servants by sending his angel to John. John testified to everything he saw—the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. ①Who are the servants, and ②what did John see? ③Through whom do the servants hear what would soon take place?

78. ①Who is the only person that can have the hidden manna, the white stone, and the iron scepter to rule all nations mentioned in Revelation 2 and 3? ②What is the qualification to sit with Jesus on his throne? ③Who has received and eaten the open scroll from heaven?

79. ①Who gives the judgment in Revelation 6? ②Who are the ones that are judged? ③Through whom is the judgment given?


80. ① Write 2 chapters that explain why the new heaven and new earth are created. ② Write what happens to the dragon and God.

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