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Intermediate Level Questions
English, Q1-25

This portion of the test covers the Intermediate Level of the theology teaching

materials. (Total: 25 questions)

1. Write the eight steps of the logical order of creation and re-creation. (Use

arrows to indicate the order).







2. What kingdom is created according to the New Testament? What must

happen for this kingdom to be created? Through what are the people of this

kingdom created? Be sure to include reference chapters.







3. (A) According to Dt 28, explain the difference between the one who

overcomes and those who are defeated. (B) What is the weapon used by

those who overcome in the time of the New Testament? Include references.

(C) Who must Godʼs people overcome in the time of the New Testament?

A. ________________________________________________________




B. ________________________________________________________

C. ________________________________________________________



4. Write the 5 key points of Is 1:1-2:4.













5. Explain the content of Jer 1:9-10.








6. (A) Who is the physical fulfillment of the entity prophesied in Ez 1-3? To

whom did he go and what did he proclaim? Include references. (B) Write the

references that pertain to Jesus' fulfillment of Ez 37 and summarize their


A. ________________________________________________________



B. ________________________________________________________





7. With what is the statue of Babylon mentioned in Dn 2 judged? What kind of

kingdom is established after the judgment? To what is the king of Babylon,

the kingdom of demons, compared in Dn 4:20-22?





8. The Lordʼs Prayer in Mt 6 asks that Godʼs will be done on earth as it is in

heaven. (A) Who did Godʼs will in the time of the Old Testament and in the

time of the first coming? Who is doing Godʼs will in the time of the second

coming? Include references. (B) When is Godʼs will completed? Give a

chapter reference to this (God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven).

A. ________________________________________________________

B. ________________________________________________________



9. According to Mt 24, after what event does Jesus return? With whom will he

come, and what will he do? Be sure to include references.

• ________________________________________________________






10. (A) In whose name does the Spirit of Truth mentioned in Jn 14 come? (B)

How does he deliver the word? Be sure to include references.

A. ________________________________________________________

B. ________________________________________________________



11. According to Mt 13, (A) how many kinds of seed are sown in today's

churches and how many kinds of children are there as a result? Who are

they? (B) When are the end times for the churches? Give a reference.

A. ________________________________________________________



B. ________________________________________________________



12. When, to whom and how does Jesus’ flesh and blood of eternal life in John 6 become effective??





13. Regarding the sealed word in Is 29, (A) when and how is it opened? (B) Who

delivers it? When is it delivered? Be sure to include references.

A. ________________________________________________________



B. ________________________________________________________





14. Write the seven main events that occurred during the ministry of Jesus, who

fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies.

















15. (A) Who are the sun, moon, and stars of Gn 37:9-11? (B) Who are the sun,

moon, and stars of Mt 24 and Rv 6? When do they appear?

A. ________________________________________________________

B. ________________________________________________________




16. Who is the one who speaks on behalf mentioned in the New Testament?






17. The Counselor in Jn 16 comes to convict the world in regard to sin,

righteousness, and judgment. To what are (A) sin, (B) righteousness, and

(C) judgment referring?

A. ________________________________________________________

B. ________________________________________________________

C. ________________________________________________________



18. What are (A) the mountain of betrayal, (B) the mountain of destruction, and

(C) the mountain of salvation described in the New Testament? Give chapter


A. ________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________

C. ________________________________________________________



19. The New Testament talks about crossing over from death to life. What is the

true biblical meaning of resurrection? Include chapter references.






20. John 6:45 says, “They will all be taught by God.” At the time of the second

Coming of Christ, what does it mean to be taught by God? Include a reference.







21. Jesus told us in Mt 6:33 to seek first Godʼs kingdom and his righteousness.

To what kind of kingdom was Jesus referring? When does it appear? Include

references. What is “his righteousness?”







22. Why did Jesus have to bear the cross for salvation? Include two references

with your answer.





23. When and after what event does the wedding banquet of the Lamb occur?

Who can welcome the Lord? Include a reference from the gospels.







24. What are the four requirements for participating in the wedding banquet?

Include references.





25. (A) Where is the location where the Revelation is fulfilled? Who

are the (B) betrayers, (C) destroyers, and (D) the savior? Include references.

A. ________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________



C. ________________________________________________________

D. ________________________________________________________



Thank you for your hard work in completing the intermediate level of the graduation test.

We pray that you will receive all the blessings of heaven, including eternal life.

Thank you.

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